Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, How accurately do you see yourself? Does it matter? YES!We see ourselves differently than we see other people. External observations are used to see others. We see ourselves based upon our internal...
Empathy is essential to relational effectiveness
Art Sponseller, JD, ACC, Senior Executive Coach, The secret to increasing your empathy is being connected to your own feel-ings, thoughts, and desires. If you want to increase the accuracy of your un-derstanding of and compassion for others,...
Anger and EQ / Relational Effectiveness
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, Anger — friend or foe? It is a good question and one I get asked by leaders who, like all of us, know that anger has affected relationships. Something happens during a tense encounter with someone...
Energy and EQ / Relational Effectiveness
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, Business today is like drinking from a fire hose. In our immediate response world, business is conducted in a continuous stream of interpersonal encounters. Each interaction with another human is...
Shame and Emotional Intelligence
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, “I am ashamed of myself!” How often do you hear those words in the executive suite? You will hear “It's a shame” or “That’s a shame” but rarely “I am ashamed.” We all feel shame. We all feel it...
What Do You Believe About Yourself That is Not True?
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, An interesting question, one every leader should try to answer. Our beliefs drive how we see our world and how we respond to what we experience. Our self-beliefs affect our performance and ability...
Emotions: Don’t Lead Without Them!
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, When confronted with a challenging problem, what does your mind do first? Does it figure out what to do? Analyze the problem? Decide what is important and meaningful about the problem? In my...
Stress Relieving Counterproductive Behaviors
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, Most people agree a job interview or an evaluation is stressful. However, when asked about stressful events during a typical day, many people can’t think of one. If stress is common, how can that...
Sadness and Emotional Intelligence
Art Sponseller, JD, PCC, Senior Executive Coach, Americans feel sadness more often during stressful encounters than people in other countries. This is fascinating and raises the question why. One theory is that Americans are uncomfortable with...